It has been scientifically determined that chronic pain is a belief/brain function and not necessarily a sign of tissue damage.  This means that altering your thoughts, beliefs, practices can reduce or even eliminate your pain.

Target each of these specific components of pain to get relief: (see ‘How do some experts explain the understanding of pain? FAQ, for more on the these components.)


  • Hopefulness–Look for the positive side of situations
  • Deal with past trauma and fears
  • Engage in fun, enjoyable activities
  • Consider treatment for depression and/or anxiety
  • Stay or get connected with a community


  • Study and learn how pain is constructed in our brains and how pain is meant to be our protector (Try this 1.5 hour course: “Why We Hurt and What to do About It“)
  • Mindfulness Techniques, Relaxation training, Meditation
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy


  • Breathing Techniques like diaphragmatic, deep breathing and/or Square Breathing.
  • Walking and other exercise for strength, endurance, and flexibility
  • Adequate sleep and a balanced diet
  • A personal story of sensory-discrimination can be found here.

You can see additional examples of helpful practices by exploring the Life Stories in the Resources Search tab and from the Valued References tab.