The RESOURCE SEARCH TABLE is a curated archive of videos, books, articles, and presentations featuring member’s and clinician’s stories describing their journey with and insights of pain science research, and how their views and practices changed. These resources go though multiple steps by a number of individuals for vetting purposes before making their way on this website.
Each resource presented on the Resource Table is accompanied by the following:
- Resource Identification Number
- Title linking to the resource page
- Author information including designation and general background
- Synopsis = 1-2 written paragraphs covering the presentation’s content
- Summary = two page written summary of the presentation
- Evaluation = Staff description of the presentation from their personal standpoint of its inherent value
- Complete Transcript (for visual and audio presentation)
- Type and Length of the resource
- And a link for an outside resource, or a single-click access to an instance of the resource.
As the resources increase in number, this resource table has the state-of-the-art search capacity to help you quickly find the research subjects you are looking for. All element within the resource table is included in the search criterial.
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