Resource Elements

  1. A physical therapist’s personal experiences with chronic pain.
  2. The difference between healing an injury and mastering chronic pain.
  3. Thinking differently about his chronic pain symptoms was the key to different results.
  1. His injury followed by recovery, followed by recurrence of the initial pain.
  2. An MRI doesn’t show pain, only the condition of tissues.
  3. Pain Science training gave him the knowledge and practices to master chronic pain and resume his activities of daily living.

Before I developed pain, life was good for me. I enjoyed working as a Physical Therapist in home health care.  I enjoyed my family. I was healthy and active.

Then, in March 2017, I was working with a gentleman who was very weak after a long hospitalization. His legs gave out when I was assisting him back to his wheelchair. Suddenly I experienced pain in my back.  Back pain is common and I expected the pain to resolve.  But it became worse. It traveled down my right leg.  I was no longer able to do my job. I was diagnosed with a massive L-5 herniated disc and the doctor suggested conservative treatment of anti-inflammatory medications, rest, and physical therapy. I was totally confident that I would get well with physical therapy.

After about four and half months, I felt good and went back to work full time. I had a little stiffness and fatigue at the end of the day.  I took my son skiing again, went hunting, and started a home renovation project.

Then, about eight months after I went back to work and a year since the initial injury, I felt pain in my back that continued to get worse. I was worried.  I stopped all activities; was using ice, heat, and topicals; and resumed physical therapy treatment. Over the next six months the pain kept getting worse and I had to quit work entirely. I was worried about the effect it would have on my family.

I had an MRI and was told that my back had healed so I should go back to work.  I couldn’t believe it!  Then I remembered that eight months earlier my physical therapist, who had advanced training in pain science, recommended that I review courses in pain science.

Now with no help left, I finally did it. I cannot describe the hope and excitement that filled me when I learned that there is a scientific explanation for my pain and that I was not alone.

I learned the effective and simple practices used to master pain. They helped me to think differently about my pain. As I implemented these practices in my life, I had less pain and more mobility. I began to envision my life free of pain.

The practices were rooted in the basic understanding of how pain works. I learned that my brain was just in an overprotective mode and my pain was not an indicator of harm. I learned to think differently about my pain and how to care for myself.

Before the doctor would clear me to return to work, I had to lift 75 pounds.  I felt strong but knew that I needed to start out lighter and slower.  I used good mechanics.  I went to the gym, began by lifting 40 pounds, and went on to lift 75 pounds.

Using pain science, I have been working full time for the last two and half years. I have been able to resume my life.  I take my son to the ski slopes, I had success with buck hunting, and I finished adding a second bathroom to our home.

I can’t put into words the awful reality of what my life would have been like if I hadn’t found pain science.  I am eternally grateful.   It saved my life.

In my practice I teach pain science, the practices and how to think differently about pain.

I am grateful to share my story with you.

Please click on the link to open this 5-page PDF in a new widow:1011-Will-The-Pain-Ever-End

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